The goal of this project is to iterate the progress bar for Loop Skill program to help users better track their progress and have fun during the learning experience.
UX/UI design
Dec 2021 (est.)
In the new version progress bar, we used the goal-driven idea to encourage users apply skills in real-life challenges. By adding a gamified star collection system, users are supposed to take actions follow Learn-Practice-Apply framework and get stars accordingly.
1. Match the learning journey with the learning outcome.
2. Guide Sammy to take initial actions.
3. Provide clear user education to lower the learning curve.
1. A progress bar that visualizes the program progress.
2. Constantly motivate and reward Sammy to take actions following Learn-Practice-Apply framework.
3. Recommendations refresh daily to avoid overwhelming users.
1. Sammy is encouraged to try his first IRL goal.
2. Sammy will try goals from easy to hard gradually.
3. Sammy is encouraged to share his experience after trying goals.
1. Sammy can see his skill summary to review his journey.
2. Sammy can freely repeat the program and continue collect stars.